About us


Our Company

Bluedesk Trust is a company established by two parents with over 30 years of experience in the Technology and IT Sector. Our mission is to help schools keep focus on their number one priority: educating our children.


We do this by taking one of the bigger and more expensive jobs of building and maintaining a website, and turning it into a simpler job requiring minimal time and expertise.

Our culture


We Provide Easy-to-Use, 

Time-Saving Website Design Tools and 

Services at an Affordable Price


We value simplicity and attention to detail and strive for excellence in our customer service. We aim to honour these values with our products and every customer interaction.



Interactive Application. 


Bluedesk Website Design Services (WDS) provides customers with an interactive interface allowing anyone with little to no experience create their own website.

Low-cost, Low-tech


Bluedesk WDS is a low-cost application with built-in widgets that allow the user to quickly and easily integrate essential functionality into their website and deploy with ease.

Built-in Back-end Support


Bluedesk handles all the backend support which includes email, servers and security, so that our clients can focus on content.

Why Choose Bluedesk?


Bluedesk WDS is  low-cost, easy-to-use and provides complete control of your content while ensuring that your website is accessible and secure from end-to-end.

If this is the kind of website solution that meets your needs and you want to know more please contact us at: info@bluedesk.au or use the contact form on this page.


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